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Challenge Decks - Link Evolution
Challenge Decks - PS4/XB/PC
ItsBradazHD YT
My Saved Cards
Link Evolution
Legacy of the Duelist
Pack Name:
Tetsu Trudge Booster Pack
Not In The Game
ARC-V Zuzu v. Julia DLC - The Melodius Diva
Jesse Anderson Booster Pack
Grandpa Muto Booster Pack
Bakura Booster Pack
Shark Booster Pack
Joey Wheeler Booster Pack
Jaden Yuki Booster Pack
Seto Kaiba Booster Pack
Mai Valentine Booster Pack
Cathy Katherine Booster Pack
Alexis Rhodes Booster Pack
Yugi Booster Pack
Yusei Fudo Booster Pack
Syrus Truesdale Booster Pack
Chazz Princeton Booster Pack
Quinton Booster Pack
Zuzu Boyle Booster Pack
Akiza Izinski Booster Pack
Gong Strong Booster Pack
Kite Tenjo Booster Pack
Yuma Tsukumo Booster Pack
Pendulum Booster Pack
Bastion Misawa Booster Pack
Crow Booster Pack
Leo/Luna Booster Pack
Jack Atlas Booster Pack
GX: Leaders DLC - New Toons
Waking the Dragons: Joey's Journey DLC - New Red Eyes
ZEXAL Dark Mist Saga DLC - The Malicevorous
Waking the Dragons: Yugi's Journey DLC - Fang of Critias
Duelist Kingdom DLC - The Chaos
Waking the Dragons: Yugi's Journey DLC - Aromage
ARC-V Gong v. Kit DLC - The X-Saber
ARC-V: Declan vs Celina DLC - Lunalight
ARC-V Sora and Dipper DLC - The Fluffal
ARC-V: Yugo's Synchro Dimension DLC - Goyo
ARC-V: ARC League Championship DLC - Prediction Princess
Waking the Dragons: Joey's Journey DLC - Psy Frame
ARC-V: Shay vs Dennis DLC - Performage
ARC-V Yuto v. Sylvio DLC - The Mega Monarch
ARC-V: Jack Atlas vs Yuya DLC - New Red Dragon Archfiend
ARC-V: Declan vs Celina DLC - Zefra
GX Lost Duels DLC - The Darkness
ARC-V: Yugo's Synchro Dimension DLC - Speedroid
Challenge Exclusive
ARC-V Sora and Dipper DLC - The Constellar
ARC-V: Declan vs Celina DLC - DDD
Duelist Kingdom DLC - The Dark Master
GX Lost Duels DLC - The Masked HERO
ARC-V Gong v. Kit DLC - The Superheavy Samurai
ARC-V Yuto v. Sylvio DLC - The Stellarknight
ARC-V: Jack Atlas vs Yuya DLC - Dinomist
GX: Leaders DLC - Kaiju
ZEXAL Dark Mist Saga DLC - The Evilswarm
ARC-V Zuzu v. Julia DLC - The Gem-Knight
5D's For the Future DLC - The T.G.
ARC-V: ARC League Championship DLC - Igknight
ARC-V: Yuya vs Crow DLC - Kozmo
ARC-V: Yuya vs Crow DLC - Majespecter
5D's For the Future DLC - The Vylon
ARC-V: Shay vs Dennis DLC - Raid Raptor
Waking the Dragons DLC (Both)
Card Name
Link Evolution Location
is rare
Alternate Location
Card Name
Link Evolution Location
is rare
Alternate Location
© 2020